File: src/parse.js

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File: src/parse.js
Role: Class source
Content type: text/plain
Description: Class source
Class: terminal-preview
Render ANSI formatting characters as HTML
Author: By
Last change: Update of src/parse.js
Date: 2 years ago
Size: 15,279 bytes


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var parse = (function($) { var _currentStyle = { bg: '49', fg: '39', bold: false, // \e[1m dim: false, // \e[2m italic: false, // \e[3m underline: false, // \e[4m blink: false, // \e[5m overline: false, // \e[6m invert: false, // \e[7m hidden: false, // \e[8m strikethrough: false // \e[9m }, _defaultStyle = $.extend({}, _currentStyle), _parseStyles = function(values) { var newStyle = $.extend({}, _currentStyle); values = values.replace(/\b48;5;(\d+)\b/, '48_5_$1').replace(/\b38;5;(\d+)\b/, '38_5_$1').replace(/\b48;2;(\d+);(\d+);(\d+)\b/, '48_2_$1_$2_$3').replace(/\b38;2;(\d+);(\d+);(\d+)\b/, '38_2_$1_$2_$3'); values.split(/;/).forEach(function(value) { if (value == 0) { newStyle = $.extend({}, _defaultStyle); } if (value == 1) { newStyle.bold = true; } if (value == 2) { newStyle.dim = true; } if (value == 3) { newStyle.italic = true; } if (value == 4) { newStyle.underline = true; } if (value == 5) { newStyle.blink = true; } if (value == 6) { newStyle.overline = true; } if (value == 7) { newStyle.invert = true; } if (value == 8) { newStyle.hidden = true; } if (value == 9) { newStyle.strikethrough = true; } if (value == 21) { newStyle.bold = false; } if (value == 22) { newStyle.dim = false; } if (value == 23) { newStyle.italic = false; } if (value == 24) { newStyle.underline = false; } if (value == 25) { newStyle.blink = false; } if (value == 26) { newStyle.overline = false; } if (value == 27) { newStyle.invert = false; } if (value == 28) { newStyle.hidden = false; } if (value == 29) { newStyle.strikethrough = false; } if (match = value.match(/^38_2_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)$/)) { newStyle.fg = _simplifyColour('true-' + match.slice(1).join('-')); } else if (match = value.match(/^38_5_(\d+)$/)) { newStyle.fg = _simplifyColour('256-' + match[1]); } else if (match = value.match(/^(3|9)[0-79]$/)) { newStyle.fg = value; } if (match = value.match(/^^48_2_(\d+)_(\d+)_(\d+)$/)) { = _simplifyColour('true-' + match.slice(1).join('-'), true); } else if (match = value.match(/^48_5_(\d+)$/)) { = _simplifyColour('256-' + match[1], true); } else if (match = value.match(/^(4|10)[0-79]$/)) { = value; } }); return newStyle; }, _simplifyColour = function(colour, bg) { var match, prefix = bg ? '4' : '3', brightPrefix = bg ? '10' : '9'; if (match = colour.match(/^true-(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/)) { if (match = _rgbToTerm256(match.slice(1), true)) { colour = '256-' + match; } } if (match = colour.match(/^256-(\d+)/)) { if (match[1] < 16) { if (match[1] < 8) { colour = prefix + match[1]; } else { colour = brightPrefix + (match[1] % 8); } } else if (match[1] == 16) { colour = prefix + '0'; } else if (match[1] == 231) { colour = brightPrefix + '7'; } } return colour; }, _buildStyles = function(style) { var styleString = '\\e['; [{key:'bg',n:48}, {key:'fg',n:38}].forEach(function(obj) { var match; if (match = style[obj.key].match(/true-(\d+)-(\d+)-(\d+)/)) { styleString += obj.n + ';2;' + match.slice(1).join(';') + ';'; } else if (match = style[obj.key].match(/256-(\d+)/)) { styleString += obj.n + ';5;' + match[1] + ';'; } else if (style[obj.key]) { styleString += style[obj.key] + ';'; } }); ['bold', 'dim', 'italic', 'underline', 'blink', 'overline', 'invert', 'hidden', 'strikethrough'].forEach(function(property, i) { if (style[property]) { styleString += ++i + ';'; } }); styleString = styleString.replace(/;$/, ''); return styleString + 'm'; }, _extract = function(string) { var patterns = { stylingReset: /^(?:\\\[)?(?:\\033|\\e|\\x1[bB]|\x1b)\[(0?)m(?:\\\])?/, styling: /^(?:\\\[)?(?:\\033|\\e|\\x1[bB]|\x1b)\[([^m]*)m(?:\\\])?/, command: /^(?:\\\[)?(?:\\?`([^`]+)\\?`|\\?\$\(([^)]+)\))(?:\\\])?/, octal: /^\\(\d{3})/, hex: /^\\x([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/, token: /^( |\\[!#$@\\0aAdehHjlnsTtuvVWw])/, variable: /^\$\{?(\w+|\?)\}?/, text: /^([\S\s])/ }, data = [], match, last, matched; while (string) { matched = false; Object.keys(patterns).forEach(function(type) { if (!matched && (match = string.match(patterns[type]))) { matched = true; if (type === 'text' && data.length && (last = data[data.length - 1]).type === 'text') { last.content += match[0]; last.value += match[0]; } else if (type == 'command') { data.push({ type: type, content: match[0], value: match[1] || match[2] || '', wrap: (match[0].match(/^\\\[/) && match[0].match(/\\\]$/)) }); } else { data.push({ type: type, content: match[0], value: match[1], wrap: (match[0].match(/^\\\[/) && match[0].match(/\\\]$/)) }); } string = string.replace(patterns[type], ''); } }); } return data; }, _process = function(data) { var code = '', _getStyle = function() { var classes = []; if (_currentStyle.invert) { classes.push('bg-' + _currentStyle.fg); classes.push('fg-' +; } else { classes.push('bg-' +; classes.push('fg-' + _currentStyle.fg); } ['bold', 'dim', 'italic', 'underline', 'overline', 'strikethrough', 'blink', 'hidden'].forEach(function(key) { if (_currentStyle[key]) { classes.push(key); } }); return ' ' + classes.join(' '); }; _currentStyle = $.extend({}, _defaultStyle); data.forEach(function(block) { var _escape = function(s) { s = s || ""; return s.replace(/"/g, "&quot;"); }; if (block.type.match(/styling/)) { if (code.match(/<span class="block styling/)) { code += '</span>'; } $.extend(_currentStyle, = _parseStyles(block.value)); code += '<span class="block styling' + _getStyle() + '" data-content="' + _escape(block.content) + '" data-value="' + _escape(block.value) + '" data-type="' + block.type + '" style="' + (( + '').match(/true-/) ? ( + '').replace(/true-/, 'color: rgb(').replace(/$/, ');').replace(/\-/g, ',') : '') + (( + '').match(/true-/) ? ( + '').replace(/\-/g, ',').replace(/true,/, 'background-color: rgb(').replace(/$/, ')') : '') + '"><span class="content">' + block.content + '</span>'; } else if (block.type === 'command') { code += '<span class="block ' + block.type + '" data-content="' + _escape(block.content) + '" data-value="' + _escape(block.value) + '"><span class="content">' + (block.wrap ? '<span class="wrap">\\[</span>' : '') + '$(' + block.value + ')' + (block.wrap ? '<span class="wrap">\\]</span>' : '') + '</span></span>'; } else if (block.type === 'token') { code += '<span class="block ' + block.type + '" data-content="' + _escape(block.content) + '" data-value="' + _escape(block.value) + '" data-type="' + block.type + '"><span class="content">' + block.content + '</span></span>'; } else if (block.type === 'text') { code += '<span class="block ' + block.type + '" data-content="' + _escape(block.content) + '" data-value="' + _escape(block.value) + '" data-type="' + block.type + '">' + block.content + '</span>'; } else if (block.type === 'variable') { code += '<span class="block ' + block.type + '" data-content="' + _escape(block.content) + '" data-value="' + _escape(block.value) + '" data-type="' + block.type + '"><span class="content">' + block.content + '</span></span>'; } else if (block.type === 'hex') { code += '<span class="block ' + block.type + '" data-content="' + _escape(block.content) + '" data-value="' + _escape(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(block.value, 16))) + '" data-type="' + block.type + '"><span class="content">' + block.content + '</span></span>'; } else if (block.type === 'octal') { code += '<span class="block ' + block.type + '" data-content="' + _escape(block.content) + '" data-value="' + _escape(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(block.value, 8))) + '" data-type="' + block.type + '"><span class="content">' + block.content + '</span></span>'; } }); code += '<span class="cursor"></span>'; if (code.match(/<span class="block styling/)) { code += '</span>'; } return code; }, parse = function(string) { return _process(_extract(string)); }, // store out here to build once and re-use _colours = (function() { var _colours = []; _colours.push([0, 0, 0, 0]); _colours.push([128, 0, 0, 1]); _colours.push([0, 128, 0, 2]); _colours.push([128, 128, 0, 3]); _colours.push([0, 0, 128, 4]); _colours.push([128, 0, 128, 5]); _colours.push([0, 128, 128, 6]); _colours.push([192, 192, 192, 7]); _colours.push([128, 128, 128, 8]); _colours.push([255, 0, 0, 9]); _colours.push([0, 255, 0, 10]); _colours.push([255, 255, 0, 11]); _colours.push([0, 0, 255, 12]); _colours.push([255, 0, 255, 13]); _colours.push([0, 255, 255, 14]); _colours.push([255, 255, 255, 15]); [0, 95, 135, 175, 215, 255].forEach(function(r) { [0, 95, 135, 175, 215, 255].forEach(function(g) { [0, 95, 135, 175, 215, 255].forEach(function(b) { _colours.push([r, g, b, 16 + parseInt('' + Math.floor((r / 255) * 5) + Math.floor((g / 255) * 5) + Math.floor((b / 255) * 5), 6)]); }); }); }); [8, 18, 28, 38, 48, 58, 68, 78, 88, 98, 108, 118, 128, 138, 148, 158, 168, 178, 188, 198, 208, 218, 228, 238].forEach(function(s) { _colours.push([s, s, s, 232 + Math.floor(s / 10)]); }); return _colours; })(), _getClosest = function(candidates, source) { return candidates.slice(0).sort(function(x, y) { return (Math.abs(x[0] - source[0]) + Math.abs(x[1] - source[1]) + Math.abs(x[2] - source[2])) - (Math.abs(y[0] - source[0]) + Math.abs(y[1] - source[1]) + Math.abs(y[2] - source[2])) || (x[3] - y[3]); // prefer lower colour numbers })[0]; }, _rgbToTerm16 = function(rgb, bg) { return _simplifyColour('256-' + (_getClosest(_colours.slice(0, 16), rgb) || [])[3], bg); }, _rgbToTerm256 = function(rgb, exact) { if (exact) { exact = _colours.filter(function(colour) { return colour[0] == rgb[0] && colour[1] == rgb[1] && colour[2] === rgb[2]; })[0] || []; return exact[3]; } return (_getClosest(_colours, rgb) || [])[3]; }, _term16ToRgb = function(id) { // TODO: defaults based on selected option? if (id == 49) { return _colours[0].slice(0, 3); } else if (id == 39) { return _colours[7].slice(0, 3); } // normal else if (id < 50) { return _colours[id % 10].slice(0, 3); } // bright else { return _colours[(id % 10) + 8].slice(0, 3); } }, _term256ToRgb = function(id) { var value = []; if (_colours[id][3] == id) { return _colours[id].slice(0, 3); } $.each(_colours, function(colour) { if (colour[3] == id) { value = colour.slice(0, 3); } }); return value; }, _hexToRgb = function(hex) { var r = 0, g = 0, b = 0; hex = hex.replace(/^#/, ''); if (hex.length === 3) { r = parseInt(hex[0] + hex[0], 16); g = parseInt(hex[1] + hex[1], 16); b = parseInt(hex[2] + hex[2], 16); } else if (hex.length === 6) { r = parseInt(hex[0] + hex[1], 16); g = parseInt(hex[2] + hex[3], 16); b = parseInt(hex[4] + hex[5], 16); } return [r, g, b]; }, _rgbToHex = function(rgb) { return '#' + { return (0 + n.toString(16)).substr(-2); }).join(''); }; // export for component use parse.extract = _extract; parse.process = _process; parse.rgbToTerm256 = _rgbToTerm256; parse.rgbToTerm16 = _rgbToTerm16; parse.term256ToRgb = _term256ToRgb; parse.term16ToRgb = _term16ToRgb; parse.simplifyColour = _simplifyColour; parse.hexToRgb = _hexToRgb; parse.rgbToHex = _rgbToHex; parse.parseStyles = _parseStyles; parse.buildStyles = _buildStyles; parse.defaultStyle = _defaultStyle; return parse; })(jQuery);